Jenny Clare Jang

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Monday, 2 February 2015

New year, New start! 2015 #15

It's been ages since I have blogged last time and it's crazy because it's already February 2015- oh, yes got another great news! I have officially finished high school and I got accepted to Auckland university studying Bachelor of Education- My parents, friends and family were so happy and thrilled when I surprised them (they had no idea what was going on - I never really told my parents because I, was also scared -of my future:-/ ) 
But now I guess everything sorted so no need to worry for now! summer holiday is a long one this one, I have been on break for nearly 3 and a half month, stuck with this hot New Zealand weather. And it's been humid so that's not good at all but I have been going out with some friends and that made most of my days :)
I am looking forward to this year because it's a huge huge huge start for me! I wan't to buy uni text books and go to lectures (I guess I'm at the point where I'm getting sick of breaks now? Hm

(Rachel and I went to Waiheke and hired Kayak- saw an enormous Stingraaay!!! Scary that the fact that they have poisonous tail?) 
(Rachel's dog Marley!)

Oh how can I forget to mention  that I have a new family? Well, we recently got a new member in our family, Mini and it's pure maltese puppy I should have named her Lucky because ever since this cutie came in I think everything we do is running so smoothly and she is soooo adorable!  I don't have a computer and the moment so typing through iphone5s is not a good idea my thumb is hurting now sooo I'm off for now! Blogyousoon ;) 


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