I have finally made 'Blogger'. #yaymehhe.
This is my first blog and it take a while for me to get the hang of it.
Reason why i wanted to make this was because i wanted to set out some goals/future,memories, and write personal emotions whether i go traveling, home,school (?) or whatever i will try and blog/upload pictures here.
(It'll be like my
Starting from what i did today....
well this morning i woke up, being real excited because i was meeting up with my
But today i finalllllyy got to meet up with these people!
--back to the story, uhm.. yeah i was very looking forward in the morning..... Time could'nt go any faster i was fustrated..yea anyways wentto serynas house because thats whr we were meeting upp:)
I went to her house with some little presssyy that i bought online from this korean clothes company called the 'GMARKET' i was supposed to give it to Daisy seryna and AAnhhh at anhs birrthday. but icouldnt because. ---(PERSONAL REASON)
unfortunately.. ANH couldnt come. SHE NEEDs to talked to me why...she did no I MEAN COOMMEON. i havent seem these ppl inlike YEARRSS...LOL that chick nneeeda good excuse... ;)
we took pretty photo shooots because seryna has a beautiful awesome camera that i reallyy really want and she has an awesome scenery beside her house. AND BECAUSE WE WANTED TO
(TO you guys...
i really want to thankyou guys. i hope our good friendship will be forever YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING and youre the bestt !! :d thankyou so much xx we shall do this often <3)
HERE are some photos we took :3 hehe

hey man, it's a common mistake bahahha. and of course friends 5evaaah (; if you know what i mean. xoxoox
ReplyDelete<3 haha i know xD hehe i know what you mean im jst saying if you know what i mean :D
ReplyDeleteNoice :3 can't wait to read more >:D Mwhahahaha *stalk*
ReplyDelete:)))) heheh naww xxD