Jenny Clare Jang

follow me on:
instagram: jennicaboom
twitter: @jennyjihyunjang

Monday 2 February 2015

New year, New start! 2015 #15

It's been ages since I have blogged last time and it's crazy because it's already February 2015- oh, yes got another great news! I have officially finished high school and I got accepted to Auckland university studying Bachelor of Education- My parents, friends and family were so happy and thrilled when I surprised them (they had no idea what was going on - I never really told my parents because I, was also scared -of my future:-/ ) 
But now I guess everything sorted so no need to worry for now! summer holiday is a long one this one, I have been on break for nearly 3 and a half month, stuck with this hot New Zealand weather. And it's been humid so that's not good at all but I have been going out with some friends and that made most of my days :)
I am looking forward to this year because it's a huge huge huge start for me! I wan't to buy uni text books and go to lectures (I guess I'm at the point where I'm getting sick of breaks now? Hm

(Rachel and I went to Waiheke and hired Kayak- saw an enormous Stingraaay!!! Scary that the fact that they have poisonous tail?) 
(Rachel's dog Marley!)

Oh how can I forget to mention  that I have a new family? Well, we recently got a new member in our family, Mini and it's pure maltese puppy I should have named her Lucky because ever since this cutie came in I think everything we do is running so smoothly and she is soooo adorable!  I don't have a computer and the moment so typing through iphone5s is not a good idea my thumb is hurting now sooo I'm off for now! Blogyousoon ;) 


Thursday 24 April 2014

#14 Penpal

It's the holidays! this means that I need to catch up with my homework and school notes.
I'm not sure if I should be happy or sad, because it's only about 2 weeks break and you know what!? a week just went by and I have only frecking 1week left; i really need to spend my time efficiently  and productively ASAP ! and not only procrastinate my time grhhh :0 starting from next week- seriously I need to do my work. :(

I have recently found a pen pal friend from France, she is such a lovely person.
 I think i met her through instagram, because of her I manage to set my goals for my future:D future as in like next year or maybe 100 years time i don't even know (basically she inspired me!! Sort of!) and it made me feel 'real and alive' to me living in this world. I realized that without trying or having a go/attempting it; goals and dreams won't even be there. I don't know if you get what i mean, but i know that life gives you a different path both good and in a bad way!( God will give me good pathways..amen.)

I know i have quite a few pen pal friends but this person (I shall not name because you should already know wink wink) @li_peizhen is special. I can't specifically point out why, or how she is special (Maybe I need to find out ;) ) haha

Sometimes I think to myself that life can be really boring or in the situation when it feels like a disaster :( and I am a person who complains about things that does not even matter -mostly relating to this cruel world (another words : i sometimes have -negative minds) 
In fact, making friends from all over the world helped me understand and connect what their life is as being part of "living in another country" than mine and sharing the differences and similarities; this made me think what a real world is, out there. There are people like me who are complaining (a lot) about small or big things but in actual fact they haven't seen  the outside world of your  own small world..

I know this diary is very inspirational; maybe in a way? or not; but it made me reflect again.
I realize that there can be a different path ways of living life; and one does not simply dream the same dream until you try or set your goals up- because the destinations you will arrive (at the end) is unpredictable -


 photos taken -Tutukaka New Zealand
Beautiful sea view
 (Shorty) yes that's me

because C'est la vie.
oui, la vie est belle
(hah thanks to my french friend who taught me all thisss words! fab- tastic get it?)

je t'aime France.

Monday 20 January 2014

#13 Welcome back

There's a quote, saying
"A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself", and there is a another quote "friends can tell you a lot about you" these quotes are so true, in fact when I was with Hayley today we encountered "a group of people ;) wink wink ( people who we already know, from school)" And I rhetorically told her " friends really do reflect their personality, and that  leads to making friends with similar tastes or attitudes..." Now, i brought up this fundamental quote because this saying helped me understand and not only understand but to reflect who I am again, whether a person has a bad or good attitude it all really links to friends because they are the listeners for you and the leaners which also, is linked into pressuring and encouragement.
Today, as I mentioned, my friend Hayley and I went on a date, (ofcourse; Friend date :) ) to Auckland City, I missed her so much, because believe it or not i haven't  seen her since, like, last year? Probably..? Yesss i know, its been a while. Hayley has been in Hong Kong over the summer holidays and I was so delighted to see her face again, and today we hung out with our beautiful faces back on!

As usual Hayley was always beautiful (:aww

To: Hayley
Did you know i normaly would stay home like a hippo and never ever go out. But today I made outside just for you. <3

Anyways we meet up and we pretty much went everywhere.

My Motto's is : "We were born to eat" so as soon as we got off the bus and arrived at the city, yes, that's right we went looking around some good brunch/lunch. The WEATHER was terrible. I swear it was more like winter now... where's summer?


As soon as we got off the bus, our destination :
Britomart, Auckland,

 look what we found. FOOD PLACEE OMG
Cute ae?

We are such a hungry hippos. We couldn't actually decide what to have for lunch so we kind of had to walk for about an hour? - on the street ( RAINNING POURING DOWN, GUST OF WIND BLOWING) Searching for food, like a lion in Serbia I don't even know what im talking but you know what I mean!

Not the best weather, but it was the best time for bazar memories? haha

 bird poop on my head. NOTT.
Its just a rain drop.

delicious and delectable café : Shaky isles coffee. co.
Hayley's menu: Toast with cheese, tomatos and advocado
Jenny's menu: Taco with avocado salsa and some tasty red beans?

The café atmosphere was great. It really seemed like a staff meeting area because the interior made it all unique and different.
We also visited a candy shop which was imported from London! wohoo. my dream hometown? hah
To be honest i think it was more like locally produced candies, hah by the look of it?
 Great buildings near Queens street
 Like, Jenn IM, we love shopping and adore the unique fashion sense and tada here we are, we ended up not getting anything, the prices were high compared to America's 2nd handed clothing shop so we left. :(
Chocolate café,
yum yum yum and yum.
Our tummy never gets full.

Jenny and Hayley  <3 tea. This is Tea2 it is located near Britomart, and its the best tea shop I have visited in my whole life.
 Some tea testing here!
We came accros this awesome pie store and it made me think of the teletobies pie :)
Time flies i think this was the last photo shot. Exhausted but made tons of fun memories thanks Hayley!

I hope everyone has a wonderful day and don't forget that "friends can be similar or different, and their traits are at a level for which you aspire; they are your role models."